Use Solar Energy Financing to Harness the Power of the Sun
September 28, 2018
The goal of a solar power system is to efficiently convert energy from the sun into electric power that you can use in your home or business. Over time, the money you save on lower electric bills–or by eliminating your electric bill completely–may pay for the original cost of the solar power system.
Wind power is a growing segment of renewable energy for residential use. Generating electricity from wind produces zero emissions and is readily available all over the globe. Wind power for homes has also been increasing with smaller turbine availability growing. Depending on where your home is located, you could have large turbines generating the majority of your power or smaller ones acting as supplemental power.
How States Are Transitioning to Clean Energy - And What it Means
August 2, 2017
There is uncertainty surrounding the future of federal tax credits for homeowners who switch to renewable energy. Certain states, however, are continuing to push forward the use of green power.
Geothermal Heating – How Does It Work and What Are the Benefits?
June 12, 2017
Geothermal energy is heat extracted from the earth’s surface. This clean, renewable energy source relies on the consistency of underground temperatures rather than the fickle climate above ground. If you have ever taken a tour of a cave or a mine, then you have experienced this phenomenon. Used for both heating and cooling, geothermal energy can be found almost anywhere. As more cities and countries across the globe work to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, more areas are tapping this clean power source.
The utilization of wind power is growing at an increasing rate in the U.S. Many homeowners are beginning to wonder if installing a home wind turbine is a practical investment. Across the globe, wind turbines are becoming increasingly popular and make up a large percentage of many nation’s energy sources. We invite you to discover how residential wind turbines have become practical, their benefits, the different types, and the ideal conditions for one.
8 Energy Efficient Upgrades That Can Lower Your Tax Bill
February 10, 2017
Government tax credits may be available for homeowners who make efficiency upgrades to their properties. These improvements can help reduce the amount of carbon emissions that homes generate and release into the atmosphere while lowering the strain on the power grid. Such upgrades may have an extra benefit for homeowners: they can reduce monthly power bills. Ideally, the money saved on electricity can help finance efficiency projects over time.
The concept of harnessing the sun’s energy to create power is undoubtedly appealing. Homeowners who install solar on their rooftop or property can offset their energy usage, enjoy savings on their electric bill, and contribute to a greener, healthier planet. While solar panels have their drawbacks too, there is a wealth of misinformation surrounding photovoltaic (PV) or solar electric panels.
Here are 10 commonly held myths about solar panels and the truths behind them: