Why Commercial Impact Windows Are a Worthy Investment

April 27, 2022

Every year we experience hurricane season in the U.S. — and so do U.S. properties. Although you typically hear about homes bearing the brunt of the destruction, it often goes overlooked that commercial properties are equally vulnerable to costly damages. So, if you have a business based in a hurricane-prone region, knowing how to prepare for a hurricane is crucial.

Get Answers to All Your Window and Shutter Questions

April 22, 2022

“How much is this going to cost me?” “Will it make my family any safer?” “Is it going to add value to our property?” With all the questions involved in choosing the best impact-resistant windows and hurricane shutters for your home, researching which ones to buy can be exhausting—but you’ve come to the right place. Scroll through our answers to some of the FAQs about this subject so you can make a more informed decision.

Be Hurricane Ready: Your Checklist for Upgrading Your Home

March 31, 2022

We’ve seen hurricanes get stronger and become more destructive in the past few decades. This means high winds, flying debris, heavy rainfall, floods, and more. These dangerous conditions aren’t just scary to live through — they can wreak serious havoc on your property. 

This is why it’s imperative that homeowners, like you, start hurricane preparation for their home as soon as possible. While it’s understandable to want to put off protecting your home against hurricanes for another year, it’s in your best interest not to. 

How to Build a Rainwater Collection System

March 28, 2022

If you are searching for a way to save money on your water bill, you may want to consider harvesting rainwater on your property. Rainwater catchment systems capture natural rainfall via freestanding structures like a rain barrel or through a more complex system attached to your house and integrated into the gutterwork.

10 Tips To Prepare for a Power Outage

March 24, 2022

Imagine this: your area has been hit by a massive storm that has taken down several power lines, leaving your entire neighborhood without power. Though a short-term power outage may be a minor inconvenience, a long-term blackout can breach into emergency territory—are you prepared? 

Derek Reichstein

Senior Director, Middle Market Sales

Andy Katersky

Senior Director Commercial Operations